Animal Friends Charity Review 2022

With purpose… Throughout 2022, the team at Animal Friends tackled these challenges head on, offering solutions and support to those that needed help, while staying true to the goals we set out to achieve. “While we provided over £1,000,000 of funding to animal welfare organisations around the world, our support went much further than simply donating money.” At the start of the year, we committed to doing more, giving more, and helping more than we’ve ever done before. While we provided over £1,000,000 of funding to animal welfare organisations around the world, our support went much further than simply donating money. We know that every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, has the potential to rewrite the future for so many animals. That’s why, we introduced a new, more modern, way for passionate animal lovers to volunteer, our Animal Friends Giving Back platform. This vital gateway provides an opportunity for animal charities and conservancies to access even more help by connecting them with people that want to give their time, skills, and expertise to support vulnerable pets and wildlife. Our Giving Back website still has more to offer, and we hope to see more of you signing up and getting stuck in throughout 2023!

For the planet… Since we were founded in 1998, we’ve donated over £7.8 million to more than 700 animal charities and conservancies, but we know that fighting the symptoms doesn’t prevent the cause. In 2022, we wanted to change how we work with individuals and organisations and have taken great steps in supporting projects that protect our planet’s ecosystems. From research projects that will provide critical insights into how whales in global oceans can be saved, through to ensuring the future of the UK’s precious woodlands, we understand that supporting pioneering conservation programmes is key to the survival of our planet, and all that inhabit it. And your pet… As a company of people driven to push boundaries in the pet industry, we use this same passion and courage to put our brand behind incredibly important animal welfare issues and push for change. We believe in fighting for those who have no voice. We believe in protecting those that aren’t able to protect themselves. We believe that we have a duty to create a better life for every animal. There’s still a long way to go and it’s hard work, but together, we can make a difference.

If your 2022 was anything like ours, it probably feels like a bit of a blur now, a busy and almost hazy memory of a lot of change and challenge. Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic was a tough but welcomed adjustment for all of us, however the ripples of its impact were felt long after the lockdowns and social distancing came to an end. And it’s still being felt now. Adding to these difficulties was the start of the conflict in the Ukraine and the cost of living crisis. This perfect storm resulted in many animal charities and conservancies almost reaching breaking point, struggling to cover basic bills and pay for veterinary care, while dealing with the influx of pets being abandoned or relinquished.

Wes’ Words...

Wes Pearson Chief Executive Officer



2022 was a year like no other. After the pet boom during the pandemic, the on set of the Ukrainian war and the start of the cost of living crisis, charities were struggling more than ever as a result of the changing world around them. Home and away, big and small, we’ve provided vital funding and support to help some incredible animal charities and conservancies, all fighting to help make a difference.

Check out OUR GIVING in less than 60secs…




“It will support our work to help whales recover from centuries of abuse, as well as creating ocean-based solutions to the nature and climate emergencies.” Erich Hoyt, WDC

Protecting our planet with work that’s out of this world…

Climate Giant Project As one of the project’s Founding Partners, the WDC’s research found that whales are helping sustain an ocean that captures as much carbon as all the rainforests on Earth. Instead of protecting them, humanity has pushed species like the blue whale to the brink of extinction, meaning the oceans and our planet is suffering, too. With insights from organisations like WDC, there’s still hope that we can change before it’s too late. We just knew we had to give our mighty helpers a little hand in restoring these majestic allies and support this incredible project. By working together, we can fight climate change and provide hope to future generations. We’re proud to have donated £20,000 to the Climate Giant Project in 2022. SPACEWHALE Programme This exciting project could revolutionise our understanding of the movement and abundance of endangered species, like blue whales around the world using satellite technology and Artificial Intelligence. The

Whale and Dolphin Conservation is the leading charity dedicated to the protection of these fantastic creatures. They’re committed to creating healthy seas and defending whales and dolphins against the many threats they face around the world. Why we support Did you know that one whale is the equivalent of thousands of trees in terms of carbon capture?! We didn’t either and this blew our minds! Understanding that marine life, especially these captivating creatures, could be the answer to restoring the health of our oceans and our planet meant that we had to find a way to help protect them and raise awareness of the importance of whale and dolphin conservation. Here’s how...

SPACEWHALE Programme is a game changer in the way that we put in place vital conservation measures, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) – where whales and other marine life can thrive, safe from threats like ship strikes and dangerous fishing practices. Satellite data helps gather important data in parts of the world where traditional methods take too long, are too expensive or too tricky, giving the WDC's conservation work a rocket boost and doing in minutes what previously took decades. Animal Friends donated £30,184 towards the exciting programme. Watch this space (pun only slightly intended) for updates on all things out of this world and those beneath the oceans of it.




Why we want to help From doubling the size of their bear sanctuary in the Ukraine to helping fund their stray dog project in Romania, we are a long-time supporter of FOUR PAWS, having helped with a variety of different projects over the years. Just like us, they’re incredibly FOUR PAWS is the global animal welfare organisation working tirelessly to help animals in need, raising awareness of suffering at the hands of humans, rescuing animals and protecting them. Their vision is a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy and understanding.


passionate about protecting animals around the world, so it made sense to team up with like-minded people to make a real difference in creating a better world for the creatures we share it with. Here’s just how some of our donations helped the charity in 2022.

Nine Bile Bears Rescue In February, FOUR PAWS undertook their biggest bile bear rescue mission to date, saving nine Asiatic black bears that had been kept on farms in Vietnam, suffering terribly from the cruel process of bile extraction* with barely enough space to move. We were honoured to have been able to give these bears a fresh start with a £41,895 donation to support the care they needed throughout their first year in their new sanctuary in Ninh Binh.

£307,395 All time donation: 2022 donation:




We donated £25,000 to FOUR PAWS UK to help fund vital food and medicines to treat the sick and injured pets that were unable to seek safety with their families when the conflict began. UPAW (Ukrainian Pet Association Worldwide), a platform that allows shelters in need to sign up and ask for much-needed supplies, has since delivered over 1 million kg of food, to more than 110,236 cats and dogs all over Ukraine. 1,000,000 kg Delivered over… 110,236 of food, to more than… cats and dogs

When the crisis began in Ukraine, we naturally wanted to help but it was important to us that whatever we did, it had a real impact on the ground. Through the work we’ve done with FOUR PAWS throughout the years, we knew they could provide vital support to the animals affected.

£4,750 donated by new colleagues who have completed their settling-in period £2,000 donated through our Match Funding £ 2,000 donated through our colleague reward programme We know that together we can make an even bigger difference, and with our colleague initiatives such as our Probation Donation and Match Funding schemes, and our Colleague of the Quarter awards programme, our colleagues are able to support causes they’re passionate about on every step of their Animal Friends journey.





we’re able to make towards animal welfare and conservation, we know that making a difference and shaping a better future, requires us to go so much further. Animal Friends Giving Back Back in March 2021, we launched our Animal Friends Giving Back volunteering platform, providing us with a unique way to connect our kind-hearted and passionate colleagues with some incredible charities in need of a helping hand. Since its launch, we’ve connected over 30 charities with 218 colleagues who have pledged to dedicate their time, skills, or expertise, whenever and wherever they are needed. 142 acts of volunteering have already been carried out through the platform so far, and new opportunities to help are always just around the corner. Following the successful internal launch of our Giving

Back platform, we were thrilled to open it up to the public in November 2022 – connecting charities in need of support, to an even bigger pool of passionate animal lovers who are ready to roll up their sleeves, volunteer, and get stuck in. NEW for 2022! Our Big Summer Give Back In September 2022, we launched our first ever Big Summer Give Back - one whole month of quick and easy volunteering activities for our colleagues to get involved in, through our Giving Back platform, with the chance to make some wonderful donations along the way! £3,750 was donated to four amazing charities thanks to our weekly winners! Charity Working Group

support, and funding, we offer to animal welfare and conservation projects. Through this colleague-led group, if there is a charity, groundbreaking wildlife project, or urgent crisis out there that needs our help, our colleagues are standing by ready to let us know. Volunteering days We’re deeply committed to supporting our colleague’s dedication for making a difference and want to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. That’s why we offer all colleagues one paid volunteering day, supporting them as they leave the day-job behind to get out and about to directly help the animal welfare or conservation causes

that are closest to their hearts. In 2022, our colleagues helped to clear a woodland area at Hawk Conservancy Trust, touch up a fence that was in need of some TLC at Bath Cats and Dogs Home, helped out at the Birmingham Dogs Home kennels, walked the dogs at Flori’s Friends Rescue and so much more! Shaping a better future is a monumental task, and one we know will require the support of as many animal- lovers as possible. That’s why we will continue doing all we can to support our colleagues as they dedicate their time, skills and passion towards creating a better life for every animal. After all, even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference!

when they took on the Tough Mudder challenge in September raising a total of £1,110 for Prince Fluffy Kareem , a charity that cares for the animals working by the pyramids of Giza, Egypt. Making a splash for Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) Patricia Gardiner (Chief Marketing Officer) dived into the Swim Serpetine Challenge in September to raise vital funds for WDC. After plenty of training from her loyal coach (her daughter Megan), Patricia completed her one-mile swim and smashed her £250 target by raising a whopping £1,255 to help protect whales and dolphins! For more than 20 years, we’ve been giving back to animals around the world. And as deeply proud as we are of the financial contributions

To help our colleagues give even more, we match fund up to £500 towards their charitable activities. In 2022, we saw colleagues jump out of planes, throw themselves around the muddiest of all obstacle courses and dive into the chilliest of swimming challenges to raise money and awareness for causes close to their hearts! Getting down and dirty to help raise funds There was definitely some sweat and mud (there may even have been some tears...),

but a team from Animal Friends put themselves through it all, and more,

In February 2022, we launched our Charity Working Group, bringing together passionate charity champions from around our business, to share thoughts, ideas and suggestions on the









As we approached the end of 2022 and the time of year when family and friends come together to celebrate, we knew that some were struggling to cope. Animal rehoming charities across the UK have been overwhelmed with relinquished and abandoned pets after the pandemic pet boom, with some at breaking point due to overcapacity, a lack of funding and the rise in cost of living.


We asked our customers, followers, and the general public to get behind our campaign ‘A festive tail of hope...’ and help create a happier “tail” for the lonely pets still waiting for their forever home. Through our new volunteering We KNEW we had to HELP!

increase in abandoned animals compared to 2021 Reported by RSPCA

platform, Animal Friends Giving Back, anyone that wanted to support those vulnerable pets could finally do so by fostering, giving their time, offering their skills, donating goods, or offering a forever home. And just because Christmas 2022 has now passed, it doesn’t mean this opportunity has also passed. Animal Friends Giving Back is still going, so anyone that wants to do more to help pets and wildlife has the chance to connect directly with an animal charity or conservancy in need.


rise in re-homing enquiries by November 2022

Reported by Dogs Trust

As part of this festive campaign, we also donated a total of £100,000 to 10 incredible UK rehoming charities , to help ease some of the struggles they’re facing. Thank you to everyone who took part, helping us raise awareness of this ongoing crisis and the charities that desperately need our support, YOU have made a massive difference to those that needed it most.

Kermit from Birmingham Dogs Home

Missy from Rain Rescue



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