Gender Pay Gap Report 2021

Bonus Gap Mean Bonus Gap

Median Bonus Gap

0 %

81.4 %

10.1 % more men than women received a bonus

bonus pay gaps are not adjusted for the number of hours worked. Therefore, a larger number of women working part-time will lead to a larger bonus gap, as bonuses were pro-rated for part-time working. For the second year at Animal Friends, the median gap – which accounts for extremes at either end – was 0, which is significantly lower than the average gap in Financial Services (18%).

A higher proportion of men than women received bonus pay in the 12 months prior to April 2021 at Animal Friends, with 71.6% of women and 79.6% of men receiving bonuses. This difference can be attributed to more women than men joining Animal Friends outside of the qualifying calendar period for bonuses (December 2020) and as such becoming ineligible to receive a bonus. At the time of this report, there were more men than women in the Senior Leadership Team, and a larger amount of bonus was paid at the top level, which explains the large mean bonus gap. Additionally, the

At the time of this report, 29women and 5men were part-timeworkers.

The mean bonus gap has widened and the median bonus gap has remained steady with our 2020 report at 0%. It is encouraging to see that our median bonus gap has remained at zero for the second year in a row. Both our pay gap metrics, however, have widened which is largely due to an increase in recruitment for areas that traditionally attract male applicants and are higher paid. On the following pages you can read more about the work we have been doing, and continue to do, to tackle this.

Year on Year Comparison

2020 Mean Bonus Gap

46.9 %

2020 Median Bonus Gap

0 %


Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 – Animal Friends Insurance

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